
What our clients are saying…

“It was a real blessing finding you.”

$93,562 debt was dramatically reduced with Offer-in-Compromise

Thank you so much. I feel so much better that this current problem has been solved!  It truly means a lot to me Mr. Starnes.”

Filing of back year returns and establishing an Installment Agreement

“Thank you very much. You and Fletcher are a great resource!”

Tax planning for an estate

“Thank you. The checks to the IRS are in the mail.  We look forward to doing our taxes with you for years to come.”

Retired couple filing back year returns

“I appreciate your style, your confidence, and your ability. For the first time in a long time, I am not feeling afraid and am so very confident about the future. Thank you.”

Back tax returns filed

“Thank you John. We are so appreciative of your expertise and support.”

Dual income married couple with daughter attending college

“Fletcher – Thank you again for everything!  You are so kind, patient and knowledgeable.  I have been in such a tail spin over all this and your help me calm right down?  PRICELESS!”

Amended self-prepared tax returns with incorrect investment income

“Wow!  Thank you John.  This is VERY helpful. “

Tax preparation and tax planning

“Thank you for being so thorough.”

Tax returns with substantial investment income

“Thank you! :-)”

Newlywed couple tax preparation and filing

Thank you. The funds has arrived on my account.”

European client living in the US who needed FABR compliance and tax return filing

“Thank you!  I really appreciate it!”

Single woman, first time home buyer filing income taxes

Thank you very much”

South American entrepreneur living in the USA, ITIN application with tax return

“Thank you so very much for your professional opinion”

Single mother of two young children

“Thanks John.  Really appreciated.”

Executive who owns foreign rental properties